
Arduino!!! and Some Electronic Apps

From the past experience heard from the senior classmates that they have to buy Arduino overseas, like buying from Tao Bao or Sparksfun. It may take some time to wait for the shipping. But now you don't need to wait as you can buy it in Hong Kong now. I have found this when I was searching where can I buy Arduino and related stuffs in Hong Kong. Also, the price is quite OK (HKD$138 around). So, please take a look at the following website:

[R Cube Station]

星期一至五  下午一時至晚上七時三十分
星期六          下午二時至晚上七時

地址 :
乘搭港鐵請於荔枝角站下車, B1出口再走步5分鐘即可到達

公司電話 :
(+852) 3488-0994

公司電郵 :rcubestation@yahoo.com.hk

In addition, I am fond of iPod Touch and it always helps me to do my work. I have found some apps that had helped me a lot during the development of my final project process and producing the final project.
  1. [Getting Started with Arduino] (US $4.99) (eBook of Getting Started with Arduino)
  2. [Electrical Ref] (US $0.99) (an app helping you on knowing the electronic components and some useful circuits and calculation tools provided)
  3. [Electronics Toolkit] (Free) (an app providing calculation tools for 555 timer and LEDs)
  4. [Electrical Toolkit] (Free) (an app providing various essential electric formula calculations)

