[R Cube Station]
星期一至五 下午一時至晚上七時三十分
星期六 下午二時至晚上七時
地址 :
乘搭港鐵請於荔枝角站下車, B1出口再走步5分鐘即可到達
公司電話 :
(+852) 3488-0994
公司電郵 :rcubestation@yahoo.com.hk
In addition, I am fond of iPod Touch and it always helps me to do my work. I have found some apps that had helped me a lot during the development of my final project process and producing the final project.
- [Getting Started with Arduino] (US $4.99) (eBook of Getting Started with Arduino)
- [Electrical Ref] (US $0.99) (an app helping you on knowing the electronic components and some useful circuits and calculation tools provided)
- [Electronics Toolkit] (Free) (an app providing calculation tools for 555 timer and LEDs)
- [Electrical Toolkit] (Free) (an app providing various essential electric formula calculations)